Monday, February 11, 2013

10 people who inspire me!

1. Mia Thermopolis

"The thing was - I wasn't sure anyone could. Help me out of that hole, I mean. I was down there so deep, and I was so tired ... even if someone threw me a rope, I wasn't certain I'd have the strength to hang on" (The Princess Diaries - To The Nines) 

Movie Mia would be the exterior me but book Mia would be the interior me (does that make sense?). God, I cannot even begin to describe how much Mia means to me, how much this book series means to me. I've read all the books, cover to cover thrice and I still need them by my side. There my self-help books, if you will. 

2. Elizabeth Bennett

“There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense.” 

Yes, she's fictional but she is the epitome of everything I am. Elizabeth's portrayal in the movies and TV shows are a not as brilliant then the books. Every word she said, her actions are beyond perfection. As soon as I was introduced to her, I knew I found my favorite person (be it fictional) in my world. 

3. Hermione Granger 

Hermione: You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard. You really are. 
Harry: Not as good as you. 
Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. And Harry, just be careful. 

Hermione is a bad ass nerd. She was and still is a consent that being a "nerd" isn't that bad in fact she inspired and motivated me to become text book smart. Her ability to be determined yet sympathetic  smart yet witty and just so totally awesome makes me want to be her best friend. 

5. Gracie Hart

Gracie Hart: In Hawaii, don't they use aloha for, like, hello and goodbye? 
Alana: So? 
Gracie Hart: So if you're on the phone with somebody and they won't stop talking, how do you get them? You say, 'Okay take care, aloha' don't they just start over again? 

Who doesn't love Gracie? Another bad ass with amazing hair! She made me realize that is doesn't always have to be about the hair, the makeup or the clothes, sometimes it's what YOU think and want that counts. Plus she is freaking hilarious! 

6. Phil Dunphy 

"The most amazing things that can happen to a human can happen to you, if you just lower your expectations."

Phil reminds me that it's okay to be a awkward-clumsy-inappropriate- human being, basically he reminds me it's okay to be me. 

7. Charles Trippy

He's an actual person, not fictional so "yay me" for that. 

If it's possible for a person miles away to save a life, then Charles Trippy as done that. I was legitimately (still am but like blackouts, you know?) depressed and I needed a reason to be okay, Charles made me feel happy. His wife Alli whose next on my list, were there everyday, with their positiveness and hopefulness that made me realize that life can't be bad forever. 

8. Alli Trippy

A perfect imperfection. Quirky, sarcastic, loving, nerdy makes up Alli. She's like the big sister I never had and always with a doubt makes me work harder for what I want and both Charles and Alli had made me realize that the little things do count. 

The link for Charle's & Alli's YouTube channel:


Another YouTube inspiration. The SHAYTARDS are just unbelievably happy and they make you want to be happy - it's a  plague of happiness! One you watch them, you'll know what I mean. 

10. My Literature Teacher - Mrs. Annie

Okay now I realize this may sound kiss ass-y but it's not. Seriously. You know how everyone has that one teacher who you'll remember forever, the one teacher the makes you feel like you may actually do something (like pass my literature exam), the one teacher who cleans a cobweb off a hidden passion - that's Mrs. Annie for me. 
She inspired me to start writing again, to be myself and that it's okay to be nerdy! She may not know it, but indirectly she has made a HUGE impact in my life. So if she's reading this: thank you for everything and I admire and adore you very much!

Lot's of love,
Kay x

1 comment:

  1. This is the most sweetest n interesting blog post I've evr come across, really heart warming, what is interesting is how most of your favourites are mine <3 Lizzy and Emilia <3 ur blog made me realize how its fun to be a lit fanatic :D
